samedi, novembre 27, 2004

Voting: Free versus Slave States

Voting: Free versus Slave States paints a funny picture.
Why am I not surprised?

Incidentally, yes, I am aware I haven't posted here in, like, forever. I will remedy that shortly.

lundi, novembre 22, 2004

dimanche, novembre 21, 2004

mercredi, novembre 10, 2004

Northern lights

I just saw an amazing display of northern lights, right outside my home. Gigantic, greenish-white waves of light streaking through the skies, filling about half the starry globe with a ghostly, evanescent glow. And then, nothing. Just a starry, inky void.

I'm turning into a poet. Better go to bed now, before it gets worse.

Holy shit! This is getting ridiculous!

According to USA Today (where we take real news and make them into easy-to-understand pie charts!), some Texaspharmacist refuses to give out The Pill to his patient and gets away with it.

This is fucking crazy. Says the woman who missed a pill because of the fucktard: "Their job is not to regulate what people take or do. It's just to fill the prescription that was ordered by my physician."

The article keeps on: "Some pharmacists, however, disagree and refuse on moral grounds to fill prescriptions for contraceptives. And states from Rhode Island to Washington have proposed laws that would protect such decisions", it says.


And it gets better: some asshat in Madison, WI, not only refused to fill the prescription (which is stupid as it is - do these people think they're doctors?), but "did not transfer it to another pharmacist or return it to the woman."

Wow. I'm speechless.

mercredi, novembre 03, 2004

If I was your friend, I'd say "I'm very disappointed in you."

Really. If I was your mom, I'd be all "Wait 'till your father gets home!"If I was your girlfriend, I'd go "How could you do this to me?" If I was your priest, I'd be yelling "Repent!"

But I'm not. I'm just the entire world, looking at you with shame, America.

Shame, shame, shame on you.

(at least turnout was almost good)

Election night in the States - Addendum

Well, call me a wuss, but it's past 2AM and I'm going to bed.

CNN's calling Ohio "Too close to call", giving us a tally of GWB-249, JFK-211.
CBS was rather aggressive with their calling states earlier, but have calmed down now. They're giving 249-221, calling Minnesota for Kerry, something CNN hasn't done yet.
NBC gives Ohio to Bush, and still refuses to give either Minnesota or New Hampshire to Kerry, meaning they say it's 269-207.
FOX News says it's 269-221. Well, it's Fox, so, you know.. it doesn't really matter.

Seeya tomorrow!

mardi, novembre 02, 2004

Election night in the States

Tonight, I'll be watching the Election 2004 coverage, mostly on CNN.

I'll be taking a short break, however, between 10PM and 11PM - that's when Jon Stewart comes out with his Election Night 2004: Prelude to a Recall special. That'll be amazing.

If you didn't go vote, shame on you. If you did, then good.

If you did, and you voted Democrat, then double-plus-good.

Bush Pre-senile Dementia?

This video shows President (or Soon-to-be-former President, depending on which side you're on) over a period of 10 years, and makes a diagnosis of Pre-senile Dementia Video.