Well, it's been another while. I'm becoming rather bad at maintainig this here site.
Here's what's happenned on my end. I'll be posting about the student strike at a later time, if you want.
I got robbed - my house got broken into, mid-March. They stole my two computers, all my 250+ CDs, my two 35mm cameras, my two CD players and my mixer. They also emptied out my freezer.
I'm insured, though. So, after the grief of losing 10+ years of accumulated emails, contact info, bookmarks,my massive mp3 collection and whatnot, I get the pleasure of getting all brand new shit.
This means two new computers - one for my mom, and one for myself. The one for my mom is still a beast, for what she uses: 3.1GHz, 512MB, 80GB SerialATA, DVD burner and all that jazz, just basically for writing email, using Word, and playing Freecell.
My PC, though, is a force to be reckoned with. I'm pretty sure it would kill Death itself - Athlon64 3000, 2GB RAM Dual-Channel (4x512), 400GB Striped RAID SerialATA (2x200), DVD burner, in a nice Antec Sonata case. Woot.
My CD collection is also quite nice, now. I got to spend two hours and a half in HMV, picking and choosing my CDs, and got only two-thirds or so. The rest, they didn't have in stock, and are ordering for me. And, since I didn't quite remember every single title I had, let's just say that the mean quality of my discography just rose significantly. I'm slowly getting them all transfered to FLAC and mp3, so I'll transfer them to my new MuvoTX. It's a mammoth job, with less than half done, and already 8 DAYS' worth of music, and over 8GB of mp3 files.
My mixer, I'm getting the same model I had. As far as the CD players go, I decided to upgrade to Numark CDN-36s, which are DJ-style, pro CD players. They're worth about $900, but I got them online for cheaper than the cheapest Numark model in Canada. Thanks, eBay!
The cameras are also a spot where we end up winners: from two old 35mm cameras, one compact and one SLR, we get ourselves a Canon A95 (for mom) and, for myself, the übersexy Canon Rebel XT.
I'm a happy camper.
jeudi, avril 14, 2005
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