mercredi, janvier 26, 2005

The Countdown

On the right, in the sidebar, you'll notice that the toaster is no longer.

Instead, you have a number. Right now, it's 29.

That's the number of books I've got to read between now and April 11th, exactly 75 days from now. That's one book every 2,6 days. I can handle it.

The countdown will get updated to let you in on my progress. Should go fast.

jeudi, janvier 20, 2005

Someone figured me out, it seems.

Let me evaluate your nerdliness...


You are an individual who exhibits an excessive interest in pursuits normally deemed obscure, trivial, mundane, and/or otherwise unpopular. You may or may not be intelligent, unpopular, socially inept, and/or stereotypically nerdy in mannerisms and/or appearance.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

jeudi, janvier 13, 2005

Two weeks have passed, and a little political rant.

Well, I've been bad.

I haven't updated this thing in two weeks, or more. I'm really sorry.

Just to keep you up to date on what's happened:
- Endterms were rushing me like mad
- Then, the Christmas period, and all it entails in retail (upped hours, less sleep, shopping, you know the drill), and
- School started again, on January 5th. Methinks it's a tad early, but, what can you do.

Besides, I'll be on vacation starting April 9th, or so. Yippee.

I've also been quite busy with my school message board. No, you won't get to see it, unless you're studying french lit at Montreal U. Sorry.

(Or, you could try pestering me and maybe I'll let you in. Maybe.)

I can't sleep right now, which is why I'm spending a few seconds writing stuff in here.

Since this isn't a LiveJournal, and I'm not just writing about my exciting lifestyle on this here piece o' the web, let me try my hand at some political ramblings.

If you're in Canada, you've heard about the sponsorship scandal. If you're not, let me break it down: about half (a bit less, actually) of Quebec voters want the province to separate from Canada and form a new country. I'm actually very much for that, but this is entirely besides the point. What happened is, after the 1995 referendum (lost by a margin of about 30,000 votes, give or take, by the separatists), the central government got anxious. They decided to set up a sponsorship program, that would expose every living thing in Quebec (and specifically Quebec) to a big Canadian flag wherever he/she/it went. Local, regional and even international events (from the country rodeo in some hick town to the F1 Grand Prix) were sponsored by Ottawa, thus spending millions of dollars to "Support Canadian Unity".

Waste of money. But that's not the scandal.

What we learned, after a while, is that the firms getting the contracts to sponsor these events actually didn't spend that money. They kept it. Period.

And guess what? These firms (they're two or three, I believe) were heavy donators to the Liberal Party. Friends of the regime, some might say.

And where are the demonstrations? The calls for dismissal, or Martin stepping down? Where is your mother fucking outrage, Canada?

It's been two weeks, now, that the Tsunami was in the news. Now, I don't want to say that it's not important, because it is. But, dontcha think some important stuff is happening, right here, too? Who's covering this shit? CPAC, and that's it.

Oh, and a tiny blurb on page 38 of your newspaper.

The ROC (Rest Of Canada - 9 provinces, 3 territories; not Quebec) should be outraged that Ottawa spent so much of their money on keeping us in. Quebec should be outraged that Ottawa spent so much of our money convincing us that being in is better than being out.

And every God damned Canadian should be outraged that our country is turning to shit, getting closer and closer to a banana republic every day.
Single-party elections? Check.
Unstoppable leader who can do what ever he wants? Check.
US approval of our regime? Check.
No citizen-participation in the political process? Check.
Leaders handing down the PM seat like an absolute right? Check.
Laughable opposition parties who bicker amongst themselves instead of throwing shit at the government?

Mother. Fucking. Check.